Thursday, August 9, 2007

BLOG 1. Escape the rat race

Today is your country's National Day. But you are feeling rather bored & you have spent the morning reading Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

You are inspired.

You realized that you haven't yet been able to involve in real estate.

It's only been 2 years since you started working & you don't have that much saving.

If you decide to try investing in the stock market, click here.
If you decide that the book is just a fiction, click here.

You Decide NOW!!

This blog will be about you.

The entry will feature a scenario & it will end with you being asked to make a decision.

The outcome will be revealed & more decisions will be required.

Unlike in real life, you will be allowed to take a look what will happen should you choose the other options.

Good luck!